More on Gtk-Perl: the RPMs for Fedora Core are available here. Being paranoid, I have not tried installing it as an RPM but rather converted the thing using rpm2cpio and installed it in $HOME. Updated PERL5LIB, put a little wrapper and gkismet is happy.
Rather than trying to fix the problem with unbalanced quotes in Kismet data I am going to wait and see if I can re-write the whole thing in Java.
This is another indication that I really should continue the project of re-writing gkismet in Java. Please send me an e-mail an if there's interest in doing so.
After a long while I tested gkismet with the latest version of Kismet server. The following issues were discovered so far:
Gtk-perl Perl module went into unsupported mode and disappeared from recent Fedora distributions (rpmfind.net seems to suggest it is available in Fedora Extras ). The source from CPAN does not compile either. I ended up using a binary RPM.
The new Kismet server in some cases sends unbalanced quoted strings during packet capture and that throws gkismet into endless loop while trying to find the closing quote. The symptoms are hanging during packet dump and eating up memory in an endless loop.
gkismet is a GTK GUI frontend for Kismet wireless sniffer (see http://www.kismetwireless.net/ for details).
You will need a Kismet server to connect to. You will also need perl and Gtk perl module. gkismet will run out of the box at least on recent Redhat Linux systems.
gkismet-0.0.10 (use this with kismet-2005-04-R1)
gkismet-0.0.9 (use this with kismet-2004-10-R1)
gkismet-0.0.8 (use this with kismet-2004-04-R1)
gkismet-0.0.6 (use this with kismet-feb.04.01)
gkismet-0.0.5 (use this with kismet-3.0.0)
gkismet-0.0.4 (use this with kismet-2.8.1)
Please see Changelog for the list changes.
Adjusted alert handling for changes in new Kismet.
Yet another bug that showed when the server sends info about a new client before the network it belongs to (which is not supposed to happen, but)
Card power levels changed (again!). Now they are apparently levels in dBm
Version number in Misc.pm has not been getting updated
Added a new network field
Removed signal quality reporting (no longer reported by server)
Fixed a bug that occurs when a client is reported before the network is belongs to
Added an option to enable/disable keeping network tree sorted. This should seriously improve performance with large number of clients/networks
An old fix to show netbios fields correctly
A couple of changes to accomodate for changes in the new stable Kismet release
This version is an update to accomodate changes in kimet-3.0.0. This was required partly due to me not handling protocols correctly and partly due to kismet changing meanings of the values it sends to the client. So, pretty much I will have to tune gkismet for each major version of kismet anyway. Oh well...
This version will work correctly with server 3.0.0. Earlier versions will work but you might see some warnings on the console and some fields shown might be incorrect.
I am not sure why, but field "Carrier" is always "unknown" in 3.0.0 at least with my wireless card. I tend to think it is a bug in kismet server, since it used to work in 2.8.1. So, just turn it off in the preferences until it is fixed. Same goes for the other fields that your card may not provide -- just turn them off in the preferences.
Lots of code has been ported from the original Kismet source files. The interface has been inspired partly by the Qt Kismet frontend that can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/kismet-qte/